Archroma joins BioCircular Materials Alliance for sustainable fashion

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals
towards sustainable solutions, has joined the Bio Circular
Materials Alliance to help accelerate the fashion industry’s
transition to sustainable circular business models.
Conceived by biomaterials pioneer Spiber Inc., the Alliance
brings together leading fashion brands, manufacturers and
suppliers with the joint aim of encouraging the wider
adoption of bio-based textile materials and chemical
treatments. Early milestones include the creation of a
Materials BioCircularity Database that will help brands
and mills evaluate how their choice of fibers, dyes and
finishing chemicals affect the recyclability of finished goods.
Archroma’s PLANET CONSCIOUS+ vision serves as its
roadmap to a more sustainable textile industry. The vision
drives the company to go beyond the status quo in
collaboration with other industry leaders, aligning perfectly
with the Alliance and its goal of developing a circular
ecosystem. Archroma is proud to be part of this effort with
Spiber and our other Alliance partners.
Committed to advancing sustainability, Archroma focuses
on developing dyes and chemicals products, processes and
technologies that aim to improve on what’s available in the
market in terms of sustainability, but also deliver enhanced
value to brands, mills and consumers. Through its
innovations, Archroma strives to support our partners to
produce apparel and textiles that are safer and more
durable, made in a more efficient way, and easier to recycle.
Stella McCartney, Marzotto Wool Manufacturing Srl,
Fashion for Good and 13 new companies and organizations
have joined the BioCircular Materials Alliance. Archroma
is one of only two dyes and chemical suppliers in the

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